South Manchester Writers' Statistics

This is THE place to find out the answers to those crucial questions. Just how many pairs of black shoes were there? What was the ratio of men to women? Find the answers to these and other vital questions HERE....

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Tuesday 19th July 2005

Tonight's vital statistics:

Men: 10
Women: 6
Ratio of Men to Women: 5:3

This week we had 6 readers, only 2 of whom were female. There were 8 pairs of glasses in attendance tonight. I hope they enjoyed the show.

Facial Hair
Moustache, fair: 1
Goatee, fair: 1
Goatee, grey/white: 1

But I know what you've all been waiting for, with breath all baited, is this week's SHOE COUNT!

Boots, brown: 2
Boots, green: 1
Sandals, black: 1
Shoes, black: 3
Shoes, brown: 5
Trainers, black: 1
Trainers, blue: 2
Trainers, white: 1

So, a good night for brown shoes, I'm sure you'll agree.

Finally tonight's Interesting Shoes award goes to the brown heels with large silver buckles. The Most Difficult to Categorise award is for the greeny/browny walking boots.


  • At 9:23 AM, Blogger The Jams said…

    What it needs even more is.... PIE CHARTS!!!!


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